Welcome as our customer

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to become a customer. To ensure secure banking and to maintain mutual trust, we need to know all our customers as well as possible to enable us better to respond to their needs. In addition, banks are required by law to know and identify their customers and this is why we ask you many questions about your business. Below is a list for you to read of everything useful to know and to have at hand when you contact us.

Become a customer

You will need this information

  • Basic details about the company: business identity code (unless you are starting up), estimated revenue and an estimate of the mount of payments going in and out of the account.

  • Information about the company owners or the persons who exercise control either directly or indirectly in the company or who have more than 25% of the votes conveyed by the shares/holdings. We need the names, personal identity codes, emails and holdings of these beneficial owners as well as a copy of their passports or ID cards.

  • Names of the persons authorised to sign for the company, their countries of residence and personal identity codes or dates of birth. For persons authorised to sign for the company, we also need to know whether they have personal bank identifiers with which they can sign service agreements with the bank.

  • A description of ownership relations in a format that can be downloaded (e.g. jpg, pdf, doc)

  • A certified copy of your personal identification (passport or ID card) and a copy of your driving licence, passport or ID card as an additional means of identification

  • The company’s financial statements information for the most recent accounting period available.

  • If the account is for start-up company, you will also need a copy of the company’s memorandum of association documents. These contain:
    • The memorandum of association (official version showing the full personal identity code)
    • The start-up notification (Y1 forms or official versions of the basic part, the Finnish Patent and Registration Office part and the Finnish Tax Administration part
    • The company’s articles of association

  • If a member of the top management of the company, a beneficial owner, a person authorised to sign for the company, a holder of a power of attorney or a family member of such as person is a politically exposed person (PEP), we require the name, personal ID or date of birth, address and nationality of that person. A PEP means a person who, during the past two years, has served as an ambassador, general, member of parliament or in a similar high public office in Finland or elsewhere.

We welcome you as a customer.

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