Become a customer

Whether your business is small or large, we will help you succeed. We make your daily banking easy and straightforward and support you in major decisions. Our goal is for you to reach yours.

Yritysasiakkaiden tilinavauksissa on ruuhkaa ja viive hakemusten käsittelyssä on tällä hetkellä noin kaksi viikkoa. Käsittelemme ensisijaisesti Danske Bankin henkilöasiakkaiden lähettämiä Tule Asiakkaaksi –yritysten tilinavaushakemuksia. Kiitos kärsivällisyydestä!

Account openings for business customers is currently congested and the delay in processing applications is about two weeks. We primarily process applications submitted by Danske Bank's personal customers. Thank you for your patience!

För tillfället har vi en relativt lång kö i öppnandet av företagskonton. Dröjmålstiden för behandling av kontoöppningsansökan är ca. två veckor, och vi behandlar i första hand kontoöppningsansökningar från Danske Banks privatkunder. Tack för ert tålamod!

Send us your contact details

How does becoming a Danske customer proceed?

1. Preparation

1. Preparation

Prepare by reading the instructions and by completing all the documents required.

Read the instructions

2. Contact us

2. Contact us

You can contact our Customer service or send us your contact information.

3. Processing

3. Processing

We will contact you during the processing stage and if needed for any missing documents.

Upload documents

4. Confirmation

4. Confirmation

You will receive an email confirmation once your customer relationship has taken effect and you can access business eBanking.

We welcome you as a customer.

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