Danske Advice - expert-guided investment choices

Market conditions change, new threats and new investment opportunities arise increasingly faster. In a changing world, investments need constant attention. Through the Danske Advice, our experts help you to choose the right investment alternatives for you to reach your goals.

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Who could the service be suitable for?

Investments of more than €200,000 and you value a service taking into account your individual needs.

Investments of more than €30,000 and you want to discuss your investments also with a bank expert.

Service channels
Personal and digital Personal and digital
Named expert
Team of experts
Digital advice
 Alert service of change in risk level
 Order suggestions
  Investments in Danske Advice
Index and ETF-funds
Nominal capital secured investment bonds 
 Tax information and reporting
Capitalised profits and losses
 Non-capitalised profits and losses
 Up-to-date online snapshot
Danske Advice price, incl. VAT 25,5%
Advice fee 0,56 - 0,99 % p.a., minimum fee €200/month 0,81 - 0,99 % p.a., minimum fee €20.60/month
Service management fee €2/month €2/month
 Fund trading fees Incl. in advice fee Incl. in advice fee
Equities trading fee based on trading volume  0.08 – 0.12%, minimum €2 - €5/trade  0.08 – 0.12%, minimum €2 - €5/trade   
Additional investor services Included in Analysis service
(value €8.95/month)  
Available at extra cost
(from €1.95/month)

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