Knowing the customer

Banking is based on mutual trust, which is created with personalised service that takes the customer’s needs into consideration. When we know your needs, we can offer the advice and solutions that best match your situation in life. It is our statutory obligation to identify and know our customers. We must verify your identity and check what banking services you need and use.

The bank must have sufficient information about its customers’ financial activity, the extent of the activity and grounds for using the services of the bank. The information must also be kept up-to-date during the customer relationship and must be stored appropriately.

The bank is obliged to inquire about the financial status, tax liability and political exposure of its customers. If necessary, the customer is requested to provide additional information about the origin and purpose of the funds arriving on the account and documents that can be used to substantiate the information.

Verifying your identity

The identity of the customer is verified with a proof of identity issued by an authority, such as a passport or personal identity card. The document must be valid. In certain cases, the identity can be verified electronically using a strong authentication method, Finnish online bank credentials in practice.

If you are acting on behalf or in the interest of another person, the bank also needs information about the identity of this other person.

Approved proofs of identity at branch offices

Documents issued by a Finnish authority

  • Personal identity card
  • National passport (not an alien’s passport)

Travel documents issued by a foreign authority

  • National passport (not an alien’s passport)
  • Personal identity card issued by an authority within the EU or Schengen area (with a chip, contains a hologram or optical security measures)

Danske Bank's authentication principles

International agreements regarding the exchange of information for taxation purposes

International agreements regarding the automatic exchange of information for taxation purposes affect the information that the bank must request from its customers. In accordance with its international commitments, Finland will automatically provide countries participating in the exchange of information for taxation purposes and other regulation with taxation-related information, and will also receive it from other countries.

Finland has a so-called FATCA agreement with the United States for the automatic exchange of information, in addition to which Finland is bound by the common reporting standard CRS of the OECD countries and by the European Union directive amendment DAC2. The purpose of the exchange of information is to improve the efficiency of tax supervision and make it more difficult to avoid taxes.

In accordance with the acts and international treaties approved by the parliament, banks and other financial institutions must identify the tax residence of their customers and provide the Finnish tax authority with information about the assets and income of its customers. A customer, in turn, must provide the bank with the necessary additional information in order to determine their tax residence. The tax administration will send this information to other countries with which it has an agreement or other obligation and, correspondingly, will receive information affecting taxation from other countries regarding the foreign assets and income of persons residing in Finland.

We ask that you complete the declaration about your tax liability and provide us with your foreign tax identification number, if any, when you become our customer or your country of residence or taxation changes. If necessary, we will provide help with filling in the declaration. Do note, however, that Danske Bank cannot provide tax advice. If, for example, you have questions about how to determine your tax residence, please contact a tax specialist.

Declaration of tax liability

If necessary, fill in a declaration of your tax liability. Remember to sign the document after printing it. You can send the completed, signed document by scanning it as an attachment to an eBanking message or personally deliver it to a branch office.

Declaration of tax liability (pdf)

Be alert!

Remember that Danske Bank will never request your bank identifier or credit card information by electronic mail or telephone. Danske Bank will never request your card number, validity period or PIN code on its website or in eBanking. Because of security reasons, we do not use electronic mail for sending or receiving confidential information.

Make sure that whatever device you use, be it a computer, tablet or a mobile device, is protected, its antivirus program is up-to-date and the firewall is working.

Store and use your bank identifiers carefully. Do not disclose them to outsiders.

Questions and answers

Additional information

To learn more about due diligence and international exchange of information, visit the Financial Supervisory Authority and Tax Administration websites:

Welcome to Danske Bank.

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