Digital signing
Forget about sending agreements to us by mail. Sign them digitally using your bank identifiers. You can conclude agreements on accounts and eBanking, for example. It is also possible for more than one person to sign the agreements using our service. When an agreement is ready for signing, you receive email at the agreed address. Confirm agreements using your personal bank identifiers. Confirmation is possible with any Finnish bank identifiers. You do not need to be our customer.
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Mobile Bank and eBanking
Manage your banking needs whenever convenient for you.

Bank identifiers, Danske ID and logging in
Log in to the bank’s online services such as Mobile Bank, eBanking and customer service telephone service.

Be safe online
Various scams are here to stay, and many of us have probably already been subject to some kind of scam attempt. It is important to us that you can interact safely in digital services.